It takes over 250 volunteers to operate the Festival of Trees during our set up, 9 days of operation and take down! We couldn't host the Festival without the incredible support of volunteers, so... thanks! You're amazing!
Volunteers powered by BMO Bank of Montreal
We have a core committee that plans year-round and many sub-committees including sponsorship, construction, decorating, raffles and more. If you're interested in volunteering throughout the year, please contact us.
Volunteer shifts are open for sign up by October 15 each year. If you are an existing Festival volunteer, you can sign up then. If you are a new volunteer, please register with us - you can register anytime throughout the year!
Volunteers must be 15 years and older
We happily accommodate school, work or service group volunteer programs
Volunteers must sign a waiver yearly
Volunteers 18+ who deal with the public, use sales systems, or are in a position of authority or trust relative to vulnerable persons are required to complete a criminal record check
Volunteers are required to abide by our Code of Conduct
Volunteers must complete volunteer orientation (emailed to volunteers)
Volunteers will act with respect for the cause, the stakeholders, the organization and the community
Volunteers must treat with respect all visitors, staff and fellow volunteers with whom they interact while conducting Festival business
Volunteers will carry out their involvement responsibly and with integrity
Volunteers will not participate in, condone, or engage in dishonesty, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation or illegal activities
Volunteers must not use their status as a Festival volunteer to obtain personal gain from those doing or seeking to do business with the Festival
Volunteers must avoid all situations in which their personal interests conflict or might conflict with duties to the Festival. If a conflict arises, it must be immediately reported to us via email.
Volunteers must maintain confidentiality of any information learned and/or contributed as a result of their service
Any breach of the code of conduct will be sufficient grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination of the individual from the volunteer position